Swinsian alfred workflows
Swinsian alfred workflows

swinsian alfred workflows
  1. #Swinsian alfred workflows update#
  2. #Swinsian alfred workflows download#

By chaining shift + ↵ multiple times, you can basically traverse your graph, completely via Alfred.Can also be triggered via shift + ↵ on any other search. Link Search: search outlinks, backlinks, and external links.Flat hierarchy? No Problem! Browse you vault based on tags: search for tags, and subsequently search a list of all files with that tag.Browse your folder structure by going to parent folders or create notes in specific folders.Alfred-Based Quick Switcher now also searches folders, aliases, and headings (heading levels configurable).For all the people already using the workflow, here are some highlights what is new in version 2.0: Version 2.0 of my Alfred workflow for Obsidian has been released! I updated the opening post of this thread further above for folks finding this workflow for the first time.

swinsian alfred workflows

Hope these instruction work for you? Unfortunately, I don’t know any more user-friendly method of implementing that in my workflow itself, otherwise I’d do it. To avoid this, simply create a separate Alfred workflow for the keyword-trigger and Open-URL-Action. Since my Alfred workflow auto-updates, I believe it will remove your self-defined QuickAdd-Alfred-keyword.There, you paste the URI from your clipboard. You can create an Alfred keyword of your choice and have that keyword simply trigger the “Open URL Action” from Alfred. You now have the URI in your clipboard that will open up Obsidian and run your desired QuickAdd command.Select “don’t specify a file” and then select the QuickAdd Command you have added in step 1. Using the Advanced URI Plugin, run the command Advanced Obsidian URI: Copy URI for command from the Command palette.Add the QuickAdd command you want to use to the command palette (the thunder symbol in the QuickAdd settings).Yep, thats possible by building a small Alfred Workflow: Open the Vault’s root in the default Terminal or in Finder.Clone a plugin’s repository via the Plugin Search.Quickly open various development-related folders.Quick Access to cheat sheets for Plugin Development, e.g.

#Swinsian alfred workflows download#

  • Download a theme’s CSS file via Theme Search.
  • Quick Access to cheat sheets for theme development, e.g.
  • Create new Snippets from Clipboard content.
  • Access themes & CSS Snippets via Alfred.
  • Search the Official Obsidian Documentation.
  • Automatically toggle Spellchecking when switching to certain workspaces.
  • #Swinsian alfred workflows update#

  • No annoyed developers! When the installed version is out of date, issue creation is blocked and replaced by a shortcut to update the plugin instead.
  • Create new Notes (based on Template or via QuickAdd).
  • Multi-Vault-Support: Switch the Vault controlled by this workflow.
  • swinsian alfred workflows

    Conveniently access various folders like.Smart Search: A query like o foobar #moc starred displays only files named foobar with the tag #moc that are also starred.Open External Links of a Note (without switching to the document or opening Obsidian).Browse a note’s links (outgoing, backlinks, external).Browse folders (move to parent folders, create notes in folders).Search Headings (included heading levels configurable).Open Notes in new pane, append to notes, copy Markdown links, ….Refer to the documentation to see what’s new. Features marked with been improved with version 2.0.Features marked with the emoji are newly introduced in version 2.0.Version 2.0 of the Alfred Workflow for Obsidian has been released! Feature Overview

    Swinsian alfred workflows